More About Me
Who am I? I'm a realtor. That sounds obvious, I know. I wish it had been
obvious to me a lot earlier. I studied English and design in school, I
managed a nightclub, I seriously considered radiology, all before
realizing ... I'm a realtor.

Here's the funny thing - I hate, absolutely HATE, salespeople. Sorry
salespeople, it's true. You are mostly way too pushy. If I want it,
I'll buy it. I never thought this would be the thing I'd love to do.
What was most surprising, starting out in real estate back in my
twenties, was learning how that pushy sales approach just doesn't work
for real estate. What I learned, and why I love it now, is that real
estate is about creativity, smart ways to get homes in front of buyers
who want to see those homes, and most of all, it's people. Real estate
is relationships. Not casual relationships but the meaningful ones. To
do this job well you have to go to battle for your clients, you have to
want to protect their interests, and you have to actually want to make
them money, see them happy in a new home, make sure their futures are

My dad gave me this advice when I started and after many years in
the business it's always been true- "Real estate can't be about
commissions, it has to be about helping people." He was right. One,
helping people is a much better way to live your life than being a pushy
salesperson. And two, it comes back to you. I have built my career on a
late-night phone call when a client was worried, carrying a
refrigerator out of a home the movers forgot, getting up way too early
to be the first call on that house you realized you loved at midnight
last night. And believe it or not -I was surprised too- I love it!

So "who am I?" I'm that guy who works with buyers and sellers all
day, you know the one who's on his phone too much at dinners, the guy
who always seems to be running in two different directions. I care, so I
have to be. But I'm also the guy who is there when you need me
because... I'm your realtor. 

